Thursday, April 29, 2010

Summer Reading @ Largo Public Library

Registration for our teen summer reading program, Make Waves @ Your Library starts on May 3rd. Pick up a Summer Reading Program packet in the teen room to learn more about our exciting weekly programs and prizes.
This is also the time to get in those volunteer hours. We have applications available at the desk. We have positions available for our summer programs, computer assistance, and we're looking for our new Teen Library Council members for the 2010-2011 school year. To learn more, drop in or give us a call at 727-587-6715.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Tosho-Con Tribute

Our guests ShadoCon have made us a video to thank us for welcoming them to Tosho-Con. We want to thank them for joining us for the event and for taking the time to speak to our guests. We have over a thousand pictures of the convention to go through, taken by staff and volunteers. Pictures will be made into a slide show DVD you can watch in the Teen Room. Some pictures have already been posted by teens on the Tosho-con MySpace that they maintain.Thank you again for another great year!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tosho-Con Schedule of Events

Main Entrance

9:00 am Registration, Weapon Check-In

Children's Program Room

10:00 am Viewers choice starts

3:30 pm Viewers choice ends

Court Yard

10:00am Photo Op

11:00 am Pizza by Joto's

11:30am Martial arts Demonstration By OOM YUNG DOE

12:00 pm Karaoke

Jenkins Room C

9:30 am Opening Ceremony

10:00 am Panel 1 – How To draw anime with Lora Humphrey

10:30am Panel 2 – Learn Japanese with AnnMarie Flora

11:00 am Panel 3- Anime anonymous

11:45 am Panel 4- Japanese fashion

1:00 pm Costume contest

2:30 pm Contest Winners Announcement

2:45 pm Cosplay Contests

3:45 pm Contest Winners Announcement

4:00 pm Ending ceremony

Jenkins Room B

10:00 am Paul Stonebridge Tour of Japan Part 1

11:00 am Paul Stonebridge Tour of Japan Part 2

12:00 pm Pulling Strings Production

Jenkins Room A

10:00 am Gaming room opens

10:00 am Registration for Tournaments

10:00AM Guest Speaker- “We The Gamers” with Jesse Collins

10:00 am Free Play (PS2 &XBOX)

10:30 am Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournament Starts

11:45AM Naruto Shippuden- clash of ninja revolution 3 Tournament Starts

3:00 pm Free Play Ends


10:00 am Vendors Hall opens

4:30 pm Vendors hall closes

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

We're making Chain Maille!

On Tuesday, April 20th, we will be making chain maille jewelry. Teens will be provides with the materials and instructions to create different styles of chain maille they can wear or give as a gift. We will also discuss a brief history of chain maille and it's evolution through time. Space is limited. Please sign up in the teen room, or call 727-587-6715 ext 2531 to reserve your spot. A contact number or email is required.
Ask to see our display sample necklace in the teen room!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Tosho-Con 2010 Rules

Patrons are expected to follow the library code of conduct at all times, as well as the following convention rules and regulations.

General Convention Rules-

Register with your first and last name, and include your age, especially if you are taking part in a contest. Make sure to print clearly. If we can not read your name, we can not call it.

Prop weapons intended for cosplay will be checked at registration in prior to entry into the convention and returned during the cosplay
and costume contests. All other weapons are prohibited. Remember, we
share the library with other patrons who do not know a prop from the
real thing, and for the comfort and safety of all patrons we have come
to this compromise in order to ensure a fair solution for everyone.

Prop weapons purchased from vendors must be kept in a bag for the duration of the convention.

Only those ages 13-18 will be able to register for cosplay, costume,
tournament and other contests. Though the library is open to the
public and we want everyone to be able to enjoy the convention, this
event is geared towards teens. We don't want any patron to feel
unwelcome during the convention, but only the teens will be able to
compete for prizes.

Food can only be eaten in designated areas, either in the cafe which
is located in the lobby or out in the courtyard. Drinks with a lid on
them can be carried with you through the library, such as coffee or a
bottle of soda with a cap.

Costumes- The library is open to the public, and this means children.
If your costume is inappropriate and shows nudity, you will not be
permitted to attend the convention. Also, you may be asked to remove
anything that could be considered a safety hazard until the costume or cosplay contests such as chains or leashes.

Smoking and drinking of alcohol is prohibited anywhere on library property.

Volunteers and staff can be found throughout the convention if you have any questions or concerns about the rules and regulations.

Cosplay Rules-

Cosplay is strictly prohibited outside of the cosplay contest. This
means there is to be no improv cosplay in the halls or other areas of
the convention. Posing for photo-ops is ok.

All cosplay prop-weapons must be checked in during registration and
will be returned prior to the cosplay contest. Make sure you give
yourself enough time to get your props prior to the contest.

No weapons are permitted, this includes things such as
paint-ball or BB guns. You will be asked to leave the convention if
your weapon is not a prop.

*Contestants are given 3 minutes for their presentation. After 3 minutes, they will be disqualified.

Only one entry per group.

Please keep your skit PG-13. If it gets too risque, we may end it
early, and you'll be removed from the stage.

No substances that could damage the library, other patrons, or the
costumes of other cosplayers can be used during your skit. This means
anything from water, to shaving cream.

Contest is open to patrons aged 13-18

Cosplay Contest Categories-
Fan Favorite

Judges Favorite

Costume Rules-

All participants must register prior to the contest. If your entry is as a group please state so when you register, as well as the first and last name of all contestants. Though rare, it has come up. Only one prize is awarded per group if the group is chosen as a winner.

Store bought costume items are allowed, but some part of your costume
must be hand made. The more of your costume that is store bought, the
more points you will lose for originality. A reference picture is recommended but not necessary.

Prop-weapons are allowed, but must be checked-in prior to the
convention and retrieved prior to contest. Make sure you give yourself enough time prior to the contest to retrieve them. No real weapons are permitted.

Having a color picture of the character you're dressed as is not
required, but can be helpful to judges.

Nudity is not acceptable and you will be asked to leave the convention.

There is no rule that prevents a single person from winning more than one category.

Contest is open to patrons aged 13-18

Contest Categories-
Fan Favorite

Best Original

Judges Favorite

Video Game Tournament-

No food or beverages will be allowed in this room.

Leave any bags or backpacks inside the game room door. It is your
responsibility to keep an eye on them. The library will not be
responsible for any stolen or misplaced property.

No equipment is to leave the room, for example controllers. Please
remember that the library acquires these items for teens through
donations, and some are brought in by teens for use during the
convention and they can not be replaced.

Have respect for other players, keep language clean. No verbal abuse
or fighting with other players. Anyone that can't win or lose
gracefully may be asked to leave and forfeit their place in the

PLEASE NOTE- Many teens wish to take part in both tournaments and cosplay or costume contests. Due to this, we no longer overlap them. This means that registration for the tournaments will be limited and if you are not available when your name is called, you forfeit your spot. Your name will not be called again later. You must be in the room during the tournaments if you wish to take part. We recommend that you arrive early if you plan to take part in the tournaments. Registration will be held in the Game Room.

Tournament is open to patrons aged 13-18

Super Smash Brothers Brawl

Naruto Shippuden – Clash of Ninja Revolution 3

*rules subject to change